
4 things about me - Tag

Beyond Q8iya tagged me.

Tags are evil people, nip it at the bud and don't help it spread, but anyway, here goes:

Four Jobs I've Had:

1. Programmer
2. Unix Administrator
3. International Sales
4. Big Shot Manager in a Big Shot Company

Four Movies I can watch Over and Over:

1. Armageddon
2. Kill Bill 1
3. Kill Bill 2
4. Godfather 1,2,3

Four Places I have lived:

1. Algeria
2. Moscow - Russia
3. Paris - France
4. Kuwait - Kuwait

Four TV shows I LOVE:

1. Drew Carry
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Farscape
4. Star Trek (all of them)

Four Places I've Vacationed:

(I have been nearly everywhere but these places are nice)

1. Los Angeles
2. New Jersey
3. Hawaii
4. Toronto

Four of My Favorite Dishes:

1. Pizza
2. Sushi
3. White Castle Hamburgers
4. Japanese Ramin Noodles

Four Sites I visit Daily:

1. Google News
2. Google
3. Safat
4. Bloglines (to read the 129 and growing feeds I am tracking)

No one is going to be tagged, tags are evil, except for MiYa FuSHi because I want to get her back for tagging me before.


  1. Ya3ny am I not gonna get to post anyhing other than tags?

    I have interesting things to say people :P

    $10 says you didn't nip it in the bud, just cause u want to get me back :<


  2. moscow? wow. Its always been ma dream to go there. I've been fascinated with Russia as a country ever since I was in highschool. So did you pick up any of the languages in those awesome cities you lived in?
    The TV shows you love show the inner child in you...
    &I have yet to try the Japanese ramen noodles, am usually too excited over the sushi to try anything else.

  3. You lived in Moscow???

    Aha, now I understand everything ;-)

  4. Also I just noticed that you tagged me... & really I wanted to tag you. I mean I did it:P Ok ok I changed it quickly :)

    By the way... did you like to live in Moscow?
    And what is the best place for you from these 4?

  5. miya: revenge is sweet :-D
    CD: Well I know some Russian, enough to survive if I go there again, Je parle francais courament (ya3ni fluent french) English of course, and Arabic.

    Inner child !?! Well these shows are classic, they should be taught in all the top universities. (just kidding)

    Emikweesta: I vacationed in NJ, cause it was cheaper than living in NY city in the poor old days. But I crossed the bridge mostly every day to NY.

    Beyond: the closest I ever got to China was eating in a chinese restaurant.

    NuNu: Sever tagged me first so I answered as a comment on her blog in Russian ;-)

    Sever: Ve Panimayetse? Moscow Ochen Krasiva

    All the places I stayed had somethnig special.

  6. French -I'm impressed
    Russian...!!! Dude, I'm speechless.
