

Remember Archmides, he was the foremost scientist in the world. He was commissioned by the king (not Elvis) to find out if a gold crown the king bought was truly gold (and not some Chinese knock off). Archimides racked his brains day and night and could not think of any way of doing that without cutting up the crown into little pieces. One day, Archimedes was taking a bath and he noticed the bath water rising up as he sank in the water. He realized that water would rise with equal volume to the body that was submerged in it.

Archmides realized that this discovery would help him tell if the crown was truly gold by working out the density ( = mass / volume ). Anyways, Archimedes was so happy he jumped out of the bath and ran down the streets of Alexandria butt naked shouting Eureka (I found it). He probably was very famous at the time otherwise he would have spent 1 night in the slammer (na'6ara) if he wasn't.

Archimedes was also famous for developing a death ray to burn down ships. It was though to be a myth or legend, but some students at MIT went ahead to prove if it was possible. Here is a link showing the progress of their experiment.


  1. You reminded me of school. :)
    First lesson in physics I think.
    Volume= mass x density

  2. I was pretty good in physics, I still remember all the formulas (or is it formulae) but I never ran around naked when I discovered anything.

  3. Yup its formulae. Or is it? I was good in physics too, I had a brilliant teacher, Ms.Gill, she made it so simple. What have you discovered? :P

  4. Don't get me started, I will start taking credit for Netwon, Einstein and Bohr and a little bit of Thomas Edisson.

  5. Haha Einstein mara wa7da?
    That's my discovery. I used Einstein as a cover. I didn't want them to write about me in all the books. Mali kholg 7asad. :P
