
Red Cross or Red Crescent or Red Diamond

A Red Cross or Red crescent on ambulances represent medical staff, equipment and rescue services. In the Muslim world, the red crescent sign is used. In the Christian world the red cross is used. In secular places, I don't know what is used.

To unify the sign, a whole bunch of people sat together in Geneva and agreed to adopt the red crystal symbol. If you use the red crystal symbol, then you can put your own sign inside the with area, obviously the red crescent for the Muslims, a red cross for the Christians and the star of David for the Jews, and leave it empty if you have no preference.

personally, I think a red heart would have been better, but that is just my opinion.

The article describing the agreement is here.


  1. the red heart might be mistake for a power-up by some people :P

  2. or maybe the red heart is trademarked a la I [heart] New York or similar.

    I propose a smiley face with a bandage, that would give an optimistic image saying although you are hurt, someone is comming to fix you and put a smile on your head :-D

  3. I like the heart idea. What about a bandaged heart?

  4. bandaged heart, hmm sounds like a broken heart, you would get lots of broken hearted people calling the emergency services for problems that no one can fix.
