
My Life With Blackberry

I have been using a blackberry for the last two weeks. A blackberry is a mobile device that has a full keyboard and a large screen but is small enough to fit in your shirt pocket. Its main feature is its push email, meaning emails sent to you apear on your blackberry as if they where SMSs.The blackberry has good support for business attachments like MS Office documents and Acrobat PDFs.

I hooked up my Blackberry to our corporate network so I now can see all the emails that I receive immediately.

The problem now is that the I am constantly checking my emails and responding or forwarding or zapping the ocassional spam. I wake up and first thing I do before I open my eyes is reach for my Blackberry, get dressed with my black centimeters away from me. Driving somewhere, my eyes go to my blackberry screen instead of the road ahead.

I am writing and answering emails at the strangest single digit nocturnal hours. Its like the blackberry is glued to my hands and my thumbs have permanent chicklet shaped indentations now.

Now I know why a lot of people call it a crackberry. It is addictive, it is dangerous, it keeps you on the job literally 24/7.

PS I wrote this post from my blacberry.


  1. how can i get one if im not an employee at a company? please tell me theres a way! :(

  2. i didnt even need to get the blackberry, i just downloaded the Gmail app onto my nokia and now im stuck too! help! i cant let go! refresh, refresh, refresh! no new mails?! aaaaaaaaaaaah

  3. elaine: I'm not really sure about that, if you are in Kuwait, Call Zain at 107 and see what they say.

    ammaro: I have the gmail app also, but it is for my personal mail but with work mail you feel a need to reply or do something.

  4. LOL weirdos, the bunch of youse :P

  5. QC: how else can I see your witty comments, if I don't check my emails 24/7 ;-)

  6. they are called crackberrys
