
10 Things You should know about Starbucks

Here is a very interesting article about Starbucks. I will give the author credit so you can read the full article here.


Lecture by Kurt Vonnegut on Writing

Here is a great lecture from Kurt Vonnegut where he dissects the different ways of writing with blackboard illustration. You can find it here.


Cool Arabic Search Engine - yamli.com

I found this very cool arabic search engine called yamli.com , what it does is take your english text and transliterates it to arabic. This lets you search for arabic sites without needing an arabic keyboard. I dont know how new this is, but I like it a lot. Check it out.

According to my twitter buddy G_E, yamli is not really new, its only new to me. Thanks for the heads up G_E


Kindle for Mac Now Available for Download, or rather not.

I was going to announce that kindle for Mac was available from Amazon, then as I went to the webpage, I was told that it is not available for Kuwait, and I had to move to a new country. I know I could lie and say I moved to the States or some other country where it will let me download Kindle, but why should I do that? Its an application, just let me download it and sell me the ebooks. My money is just as good as anyone else's.

I tried to do the right thing, now let me go back to downloading torrents, its easier and available in Kuwait.

Here is a great book from Amazon to tell you just how you can download stuff also, BitTorrent For Dummies


I am not gone, I just discovered tumblr

Ok, I did not really discover it. Tumblr was there a long time before I found out about it, but it makes blogging so easy and fast and allows me to post a lot of nonsense inspirations very quickly. It is like twitter and blogger got married and their newborn was tumblr. You can find me on tumblr at donveto.tumblr.com .

I am not quitting blogger, just will be posting both here and at tumblr. See you all there, all three of you.


Love and Hate According to Google

According to google results found, here are some love hate statistics for different Arab countries. Bahrain and Oman come out first according to the love hate ratio and Kuwait is fifth.

Love Hate Hate/Love Ratio
Bahrain 14,300,000 1,800,000 89%
Oman 13,800,000 1,760,000 89%
Qatar 16,700,000 2,820,000 86%
Lebanon 32,500,000 5,870,000 85%
Kuwait 25,100,000 4,560,000 85%
Yemen 17,300,000 3,910,000 82%
Jordan 74,900,000 17,300,000 81%
Saudi 40,500,000 11,500,000 78%
Egypt 30,500,000 9,470,000 76%
UAE 5,600,000 1,810,000 76%
Syria 10,400,000 4,090,000 72%
Iraq 83,000,000 46,100,000 64%

Note to all the statisticians, this is not an accurate report, just a compilation of google results made just for fun.