
How much coffee does it take to kill you?

I love my coffee, I can't wake up in the morning until I have a few cups. I like my coffee black, no sugar, no milk, no cream. The worst it tastes the better the effect.

I once got an espresso machine, and instead of putting ground coffee in it, I filled it with Turkish Coffee ground. The coffee that came out was really bad looking, it was really thick in consistency and had oily spots on the surface. It looked like crude oil. I drank it and it kept me wired for 2 days. Tasted good too.

If you want to find out how much coffee it takes to kill you, try this link.


  1. I love coffee too nothing added the bitter the better but what should I do with my chocolate problem? seriously I need therapy

    cool site :)

  2. Welcome to the coffee club, it's fun going 200 km/h in the wrong lane. I need help, I know, let me have a triple espresso. :-D
