
Productivity Advice to all the Working professionals

I use to have a palm pilot (electronic agenda) where I kept all my contacts,records and notes for the last 2 years then my Palm Pilot died. That erased 2 years of life critical information for me and I needed to search for my old paper notes just to get everything back.

That taught me one important lesson, never rely on electronics because they die on you. Now I changed my system to a fool proof indestructible, infinite storage, logical system, nothing can destroy it other than a fire that burns through my desk drawer.

The system consists of four essential components

1) Foolscap blue writing book
2) Current year Agenda/Diary
3) UHU stick glue
4) Mobile Phone

With the blue book, every time you need to remember something, or note an action you need to take or just scribble ideas, put a date on top of the page and write whatever you need to remember, never rely on your memory because you always forget. If you have it noted in your blue book, you immortalize it.

With the agenda, make note of all your appointments, meetings, date related events, deadlines, drop dead dates and things you MUST do on a particular date.

With the UHU stick, paste any important business card, memo, notice, paper on your blue book, and make a note about what you stuck on the opposite page.

I know, I said nothing electronic but there is no paper substitute for the mobile phone. Record all your contacts on the mobile phone, and always have it near you.

There is no right or wrong rule for writing in your blue book, 1 rule for the agenda, whatever entry you put should be related to the date you put it under. No rules for the glue, just stick anything that is important, and no rules for the mobile other than not to lose it or drop it in water.

If your blue book fills up, get a new one, and put the old blue book somewhere safe. If there is a new year, happy new year and buy a new agenda. If the glue stick finishes, you buy a new one. If a new mobile comes out, buy it, not because you need it, just because you want to be the coolest person with the coolest mobile.

Do you have a system? Share it with me.


  1. I like your system. My system involves technology though...I record all my information on an excel spreadsheet, including birthdays and adressess, which I get by sending out annoying mass emails.
    Business cards are stored in a mini black book with plastic folders. It would be nice to scan them and incorporate them in my excel spreadsheet, but I don't have that kinda time.

  2. I don't get why you don't just use a telephone book to record all your contacts' names and numbers, since you've had a bad experience with everything technological. Many's the time I've lost numbers and other info that I had saved on my mobile phone.

    So, if you're going old school, why not go all the way?

    Gigi, questioningly

  3. CD: you will learn the hard way that electronics can't be trusted. Print out your spreadsheet once in a while just to be safe.

    gigi: I know, I am not following my rules, but carrying a phone book is too cumbersome. I do write myu important numbers in a filofax but I don't carry that around with me.

    Mac: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

    LaiaLy_q8: Hands work for me, but I must remember not to wash them ;-)
