
Black Beauty Meets the Godfather

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If you saw The Godfather I, you would get it.


  1. I wonder what the horse did to get whacked? ;)

  2. Both of the horses in Black Beauty and Godfather are both black. It would make sense.
    But Black Beauty (the original one) was and still a favorite movie when I were a kid. Though the God Father trilogy are one of my favorites now.

    This picture represents for me the old with then new in a weird way.

  3. stinni: I don't want to ruin the movie, but that was a pivotal scene in godfather I.

    emik: well, he did get an offer he could not refuse, and he refused.

    hussa: don't forget it is funny too in a morbid sort of way.

    diigmaa: hehe, imagine.
