
Understanding Women - For Engineers

Engineers are practical, straightforward, analytical people. They understand situations by surveying, analyzing and measurements. They find simple effective solutions to complex problems.

One problem situation where male engineers are facing a challenge understanding, is women.

Therefore to help all male engineers and other males, here is a woman's data sheet.

Woman Data Sheet


  1. LOL

    I should feel offended but I am not.

  2. Extremely cold dinner :p

    Still, very very funny. There should be one for men, too!


  3. LOL what? women?
    Oh, you are talking about the most complicated spices on earth.
    I would thing this would be the most constant challenge for the engineers.
    Yep that's us!

  4. Thank you, dear Don Veto!

    My brother is an engineer some... he is laughing on the sofa & he asked me to save it for him. He will send it to others ;-)]

    & once again... thank you very very much.
    There is one engineer who can need it too.
    Now I`m going to send it to him.


  5. wow 11 comments, that must be a record for my blog. All comments from ladies except for 1. Come on ladies, you know the data sheet is true, admit it. ;-) It is also a big help to innocent unsuspecting engineers and men like us that don't know what they are getting into.
