
The War in Iraq has gone Mad Max

Remember Mad Max, followed by Mad Max 2 and concluded with Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome? Mad Max was a cult favorite that told the story of Mel Gibson (Mad Max) trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. There was an oil shortage, souped up, weaponized cars and crazy car chases. Here is a common scene from Mad Max:

Mad Max

Because of logistics foul ups, or immediacy or possibly because some soldiers wanted to Pimp their rides, pick up trucks North of our Border in Iraq have make shift weapons and armor installed on them.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Notice the sign on the concrete barricade indicating the direction to Kuwait.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

More pictures here and here.

I tihnk when the war is eventually over, I will go to the Basra scrap yard and buy one of these trucks and equip it with paint ball bullets so I can shoot bad drivers, people talking on their mobiles and people driving very slow in the fast lane.

Finally, here is Kathem Al Saher with Sara Brightman singing "The War is Over"


  1. Actually those pimped out rides are just the ticket for driving on LA's freeways. I may have to get one for the next time i'm out in Cali.

  2. "I tihnk when the war is eventually over, I will go to the Basra srap yard and buy one these trucks and equip it with paint ball bullets to bad drivers, people talking on their mobiles and people driving very slow in the fast lane."

    Very cool idea. Shoot the fast drivers in the slow lanes, too, wouldja?

  3. Thanks for linking the video, I love the song and now I love it even more.

  4. Mia: Hehe, yeah me too. You can shoot the Paparazi that chase you.

    intixpatr: Definitely, and all the busses and trucks that crowd the streets.

    QC: You are welcome, come back for more premium entertainment only at Don Veto ;-)
