I never had the privilege of being stopped by a policeman in the United States when I was driving there. I have seen enough TV to know that when a US policeman flashes his sirens behind you, you are supposed to pull over and have your hands clearly visible holding the upper part of your steering wheel. The police car will park directly behind you with the searchlight shining directly on your car. The American policeman will slowly walk against the side of your car, his hand over his gun's holster ready to draw it at the first threatening movement from the stopped car's passenger. The policeman will stand by your car window. He will instruct you step by step on what you need to do like displaying your license and registration and you are supposed to announce what you will do if you want to reach in your glove compartment, or put your hand in your jacket pocket before taking out the requested documents. Any sudden move from your part could get you cuffed or shot or worse. A Very tense situation for both the policeman and you.
Over here in Kuwait getting stopped by the police is more laid back. The policeman flashes his sirens, shouts in his loudspeaker telling you to stop, he then pulls over himself and waits for you to park behind him. The policeman expects you to get out of your car with the necessary documentation and walk up to him. You wait at his car door while he finishes his call on his mobile or taking a few pulls off his cigarette. You feel like you are standing at a goverment counter waiting for your papers to be processed. When the policeman has time for you, he will slowly slide down his window, turn his head and ask you some vague question waiting for your confession. You usually can talk your way out of any infraction unless the policeman had a bad morning. If he is still insisting on penalizing you then you can ask about his name, which district he belongs to and as soon as he confiscates your driving license and car registration, you can call up a few people higher in the policemen food chain and have your papers returned to you the next day. Just a minor inconvenience and no threats of bullets travelling through your soft body.
Which style is better?
akeed il American..
ReplyDeletewai3 ihnee mafeesh nitham walla justice kil wa7id mashi 3al Mood
oh my god!!!
ReplyDeleteWalla i was gonna post about the same subject and put the title "Good Cop Bad Cop"
and i've been googling some pics 2 place on the post
Walla....sij elgiloob 3nd ba'9ha el ba3a'9
Cuz i wanted also 2 know why they stay in the car and let u go over and talk 2 them?
I wanted 2 know if its the law or some rule or its just laziness and khiwarah...
I get soooooooooooo pissed when i see them in their cars and the poor people go over to display their license...everyday!!
Good thing its not just me who's getting pissed...
Kuwaiti style all the way.
Lets be honest now :>
ok..first of all..I so want to be a policewoman in Kuwait (prolly not legal there, huh?)...and probably they stay in their car cause either they are lazy or they are scared of being run over by rubberneckers trying to see whats going on while they drive by the area....
ReplyDeletesecond, if u think american cops are bad....hehhehe wait to u see the mexican cops...now there are 2 types of mexican cops...
1-the cop that ppl are not scared of and will not stop for (usually the city cops)...
2-the scary cops (federal cops)..for those u do as they say or u will forever banish from the face of the earth while ur car (if newer model) ends up being of their personal ownership...
but the beauty of all this is that for both types of cops..if u got money or throw a couple of names around u have nothing to worry about...
Kuwaiti is better of course. What kind of question was that??
ReplyDelete:P :P
I much prefer the Kuwaiti cops. At least you can negotiate your way out of a problem!
ReplyDeleteAll: Kuwaiti cops rule, I don't mind walking to a Kuwaiti cops car and talking my way out of a ticket, better than having a gun possibly drawn on me.