
Saddam's Palaces are now Internet Hot Spots

I saw an ad for Satellite Internet in Iraq similar to the set up I have at home. The service provides Internet access to remote locations with no existing communication infrastructure such as phone lines. I was curious to see what prices they are offering so I clicked on the site and found a list of all the installations they have in Iraq. These installations where US army bases and Presidential Palaces.

What was amusing was the Saddam / Presidential palaces having Internet Coverage. I counted 63 Palaces that would mean that if Saddam wanted to sleep in all his palaces during the year, he would average 5 nights in each palace. I don't know about Saddam but I need a few days to get accustomed to a new bed before I can soundly sleep. It takes me 3 days to get used to my new surroundings, so that would mean if Saddam was like me, in 5 days Saddam would only get 2 nights of good sleep and 3 nights of insomnia. Maybe that was why he was bad tempered most of the time.

The full list can be found here.

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