
Mona Lisa's Smile

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A lot of people wondered about what was behind Mona Lisa's mysterious smile.
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Some theorized that it was Leonardo Da Vinci's self portrait,
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Others thought Mona needed serious orthodentistry,
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Maybe she wanted to fly,
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or just to party,
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or get something from Santa.

Well, scientists at the University of Amsterdam with lots of time on their hand cracked the secret of Mona Lisa's smile by analysing the famous Leonardo Da Vinci painting thourgh a computer that has been taught to interpret ladies smiling. The computer has determined that Mona Lisa's smile was that it conveyed 83% happiness, 9% disgust, 6% fear and 2% anger.

Full article here.


  1. You can break up a smile into percentage. cool :)

  2. I don`t believe...

    The most real version is that one about Santa :P

  3. leo probably flashed her. think about it, it makes sense!!
