
Understanding Men

I put educational posts about Understanding Women, being:

Understand Women Better using Mathematics

Understanding Women - For Engineers

Understanding Women - For Engineers - Part 2

Women Rule

Well the article here explains men to all the women who need help.


  1. Heheheheeh. LOL. Some of the stuff is so true. Ahem shi Discovery Channel. LOL. :)

    Good topic dude.

  2. Men for Idiots! What a concept?

    By the way, the article speaks at explaining some weird male behavior then is goes talking about perfectly normal stuff. What's the point?

    By the way, if Columbus did stop to ask he would have found India. It was the very fact that he did not find India that lead to the discovery (channel) of America(an Chopper.)

  3. hussa: glad you liked it. Stay tuned for more.

    computerchi: don't forget that Columbus got sent to India by the Queen of Spain, so a lady started it all.
