
I Got a Bad Cold

Bad Cold

I got a bad cold, it started last Wednsday and kept going on till the new year, I went through 2 boxes of kleenex. I don't like Doctors cause I always feel I know myself better. I downed cups and cups of Earl Grey Tea with honey, I feel a little better now. What do you do for a cold?


  1. Erm, I'd ... see a doctor?
    Oragne, orange, orange
    Chicken soup, chicken soup
    Extra blankie ...
    Pretend that this is useful :-p

  2. I don`t do anything... just wait & that`s all.
    And also I don`t like to go to doctors too.

    чай с мёдом ;-)

    recover soon, be fine

  3. well I feel a little better today, thank you all for your tips.

  4. I don`t know what 2 do .......
    I have this painful headache and i keep coughing
    I need a doctor call me a doctor to bring me back 2 life
