
The Water Heater does not work

It is a cold freezing morning, you wake up, turn on the hot water faucet, put your hands under the streaming water, and are shocked by the freezing water pouring down. Where is the hot water? You find out that the water heater has died. You think, hmm what would Mcgyver do?

Water Heater

Pure Genius, right?

Warning, don't try this at home, you will get literally shocked because mixing water and electrical appliances can give shocking results.


  1. You know, dear friend... it reminds me my games when I was a little girl.

    Really "Pure Genius"...
    I remember my so called "water-pipe"... heheh :)

    Amusing. But water really is hot? or just warm? Or you can regulate it?

  2. Sever, Klasna, da?

    laialy: well if there is no hot water, you can always set this up ;)

    miya: hehe you will get more than hot water.
