
The Illusionist

Cancel the Oscars, close down Cannes, put all the Oscars and Palmes d'Ors in a big box and send it to the cast, crew and production team of the Illusionist. The movie has mystery, magic, intrigue, romance for the softies and a true tours de force ending.

I will not spoil the story but you can see the trailer below.


  1. Looks good :)
    Must check it out.
    I just saw the video about the red dot, cracked me up!

  2. I'll take to your advice! Not too many good movies these day. Hope it's worth watching! Will let you know.

  3. DR: You won't regret it.

    nora: its out on DVD if you get a chance to buy it.

  4. It was a pretty decent flick. However if you wanna see GREAT flick make sure you check out Blood Diamond. The movie changed my life.
