
The Story of Uma Thurman and Her Search for Hapiness

A long time ago, when Uma was a little younger and less wise, she got involved in a bad group of friends called the DIVAS headed by Bill who was bad news also. Then she wanted to get married and Bill and his bad friends came and ruined the wedding which was not very nice of him.

Bad Uma

Bad Uma

Uma was so shocked she went to the hospital and stayed there for a few years, her heart was broken and had the small problem of being shot in the head also. As soon as she felt better she checked out of the hospital and decided to travel the world.

For her travels, she wanted something fashionable to make her feel better, not an LV bag, or Chanel bag, that was so last year for her. She went to Hatori Hanso in Okinawa, Japan who made her a very lovely Samurai Sword, it was real useful too, she could slice apples with it and baseballs with it. She could shorten silk scarves with it also.

Nice Sword

Fashionable Sword

She wanted to see her old DIVAS friends and talk about old times.

She travelled to Tokyo, where she found Lucy Liu. Lucy was frequenting this night club. The meeting did not go too well, she got in an argument with Lucy and ended up breaking a few tables and lots of hurt feelings.

Lucy Liu

Lucy Liu admiring Uma's fashionable sword

She then heads back to Pasadena, California to find Vivica Fox who really did well and had married a doctor. Vivica gave Uma some attititude so they argue again and it ends badly with lots of hurt feelings and a some broken glass also.

Uma and Vivica

Uma and Vivica having a heart to heart talk

Uma, lonely for friends goes to Bill's brother, Michael Madsen who is living in a trailer. Michael feels sorry for Uma also but can't help arguing with her, and because of his drinking problem it gets a little violent. Uma manages to get out of that problem too and dusts herself off.

Michael Madsen

Michael Madsen

Uma goes back to Michael trailer and finds Daryl Hannah, one of her old DIVAS friends there also arguing with Michael. Uma, so happy to see a familiar face rushes to Daryl. But Daryl was always jealous of Uma because Bill liked Uma more than her. Another argument starts. The straw that broke the camel's back was when Daryl wanted to have her Hatori Hanso sword. Uma, now really angry, tells her, "even if you offer me your eye, you will not get my sword", Uma leaves with her sword.

Daryl Hannah

Daryl Hannah, Uma's ex friend

Uma goes looking for Bill, she finds him expecting her. She wanted to make peace with Bill and Bill was nice and charming at first telling her stories about day's past.Bill also had a little surprise for her.



He was taking care of Uma's four year old daughter which she thought she had lost. That was sweet of him. But they argue again, Uma leaves in a rage but taking her cute daughter with her.

Uma and BB

Uma with her Daughter

Uma did really well for herself after those unfortunate episodes, I saw her on TV yesterday at a fashion show and when asked by the paparazzi,"What are you doing these days", she replied, "I just do my best to be happy".


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