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Wiki entry for Enola Gay

Enola Gay, you should have stayed at home yesterday
Aha words can't describe the feeling and the way you lied
These games you play, they're gonna end in more than tears someday
Aha Enola Gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home
Enola Gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away
Enola Gay, it shouldn't ever have to end this way
Aha Enola Gay, it shouldn't fade in our dreams away
It's 8:15, and that's the time that it's always been
We got your message on the radio, conditions normal and you're coming home
Enola Gay, is mother proud of little boy today
Aha this kiss you give, it's never ever gonna fade away

Original Enola Gay repost.
Moral of the Story: Nukes are not cool.
I feel sad. Allah e7fethnah.
ReplyDeleteI feel proud.
ReplyDeleteFor decades we have been talking about how the Muslim countries have fallen behind. Now when we have a glimpse of hope, we feel sad? Why?
Let’s examine the facts. Are we really afraid of Iran invading its neighbors? Will that ever happen? Let’s examine the facts.
Iran never threatened a neighbor, Iraq did through the US. Iran did not use weapons of mass destruction, the US did. Iran never lied about invading other countries, the US did. Iran never hit a country with pre-emptive strikes, the US did. Iran signed the treaty of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, the US did not. Iran is only capable of enriching Uranium up to 3.5%. You need more than 95% enrichment level to be able to make a nuke.
Now that we have seen some facts, let’s use our heads. The US and the west are not really afraid of Iran’s ability to create nuclear weapons. They are afraid of the Muslim nation becoming strong again. They can’t afford to lose us a market. They can’t allow us to be self reliant. They need us to remain slaves and in need for their handouts. Do we really want that for our selves?
We all saw how the US lied about the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. There were none. Some military inelegance they have, huh? We all saw how the US lied about wanting to instill freedom and democracy, and then when the people of Palestine voted for their representative, the US condemned the entire Palestinian nation. Why does Iran have to prove its good intentions. Why don’t we ask the US to prove that instead? What proof do we have that the US is not lying again about Iran.
I say, be free in your thinking. Free yourself from the shekels you were born with and take responsibility for your own destiny. I feel proud and happy. I am not afraid from doing the right thing. Let those that are making all the fuss and are threatening to use power if we start to use our heads, let them be afraid… of their own stupid actions. For they and only they would be responsible for them.
Iran says that it will use the technology for peaceful uses. I believe them.
The US says Iran wants to harm the free world. I don’t believe them.
hussa: dangerous times.
ReplyDeletecomputerchi: thanks for the long post. Let us forget the historical "facts" and look at the present. The reason why I say let us forget the facts is because they are not really facts, they always are biased towards the side you are listening too, and if you ask the other side they will have convincing counter arguments to refute all that was said. So putting that aside, let us look at the present. We have an oil rich region, with impoversished volatile neighbours. We have a major super power in the region commited to its interest and its current friends interest. We have an escalation in the sort of weaponry and destructive technology in use.
Because of these, this is why the road ahead will become more dangerous.